"Love is like a firefly....hard to catch..and even harder to keep alive."
This is Valentine's day, a day that Hallmark has deemed THE day to celebrate love and lovers. I would really like to take this opportunity to flip Hallmark a big EFF U.
Why do we wait till February 14? Why can't we just celebrate emotions AS we have them. Why wait? Why do people absolutely FREAK THE HELL OUT if you show the least bit of interest in them. "hey, I like you..doesn't mean I'm in love with you or implies any kind of commitment on my part...it just means...I'm comfortable with you, you're fun to hang out with, and it would bug me immensely if you fell off the planet." I dare you, say that to someone and watch them stutter, mumble and mutter something about how they have to wash their cat.
Well, here's an idea. Lets take a moment to appreciate the people we care about. The family we choose for ourselves, our friends.(and our families...let's not forget them).
So here goes. I love you. Cait and Curt...you are truly the loves of my life. I don't know where or who I would be without you two in my life. I'm so glad I'm your mom. It's been the best, most rewarding, exasperating experience...love every minute of it.
Boo (silver, striped tabby cat), though you can't read..thank you for being the one guy I can count on to cuddle with me at night...no matter what pajamas I'm wearing. Your soft purring lulls me to sleep.
and to my "posse"...you know who you are. Thanks for just being there...for the laughs...the phone calls at 2am...the texts...life is bearable and fun because you're in it.
Have a lovely Valentine's Day....and remember to appreciate the people you care about...every day...NOT just on February 14.