Last night I went out to dinner with friends and afterwards we stopped into Borders to browse the books and have a coffee drink for dessert. While we were there......I happened upon a series of books called POST SECRETS..
The concept was simple, the author placed ads in newspapers around the country asking people to send him their confessions or secrets, happy or sad, anonymously..on post cards. He then took all the anonymous secrets and published a book and then another book....and then...another book. The series spawned a website.
while I was in Borders looking through a book of POST SECRETS....a note fell out.
it read: "I'm Bipolar... will anyone ever love all of me and my different moods?"
I kept the note because I found it incredibly sad that this person has no one to tell their secret to. They have no one to confide in and take comfort from, but most importantly, they don't know that there IS hope. That if they seek help, they can have a normal life, they can know love...and happiness. It won't be an easy journey and I don't know from personal experience how hard a journey it will be, but I know they can do it. With the right help and support, they can make it.
If you know someone who is hurting, tell them there is hope. So that they won't write an anonymous note and leave it in a book...for a stranger to ponder over.
"Dear stranger-
I'm thinking of you right now...and I'm hoping that you get the help you need and find the love you so richly deserve."