I've recently become a fan of....the road trip.
Yes, I know that usually the appeal of 'the road trip' wanes as a person grows older. Well, as we've all discovered already, I'm just NOT your normal chick over 40.
I wasted(ok...that's a harsh word, I didn't really 'waste' anything) my youth, well the years between 19 and 29 years old anyway, on such frivolous pursuits as being a newlywed, having children and then raising them. I missed out on the college experience entirely and also on the chance to just go out into the wild blue yonder of the open road for fun and frolic with a group of friends or just one person. No agenda at all other than to find something cool, go to a sporting event, or hear a band I really liked.
The road trips of the past included a healthy dose of guilt and an overdose of relatives...usually mixed in with a holiday or birthday of some sort. Throw in a few surly teenagers or toddlers..and there you have it. Never a good recipe for 'fun and or frolic'.
Over the past month or so I've been to both a college football game and a rock concert. GO ME!! : ) Both these events involved road trips...and I learned a few things.
If your host and hostess want to dress up their vehicle with flags, magnetic signs and memorabilia for their chosen college team.....it usually makes for a REALLY fun ride. NEVER, ever dress in the opposing teams colors. I asked what the appropriate colors were before the game. Kentucky wildcats blue= BAD, Gamecock garnet = Good.
College football fans are rabid. It's not just life and death...its WAY more important and WAY more fun. *grins*
When 'walking in memphis' wear comfortable shoes, cause you're gonna be in them for awhile. I've been to concerts before...but usually they involved seats. I admit it, I was a novice. This time, however, I was a REAL concertgoer. I stood outside and explored the street in front of the venue with my partner in crime, T. We observed the local wildlife..and made notes of the local uniform. Note to self- Hoodies and skinny jeans are NOT for everyone and seriously...what is the appeal of the 'ear gauge'? Our tickets were checked by a guy that had to have been a giant in a former life and was a head taller than my date, which is saying something cause..he's impressive. We were ushered inside and came face to face with the Cookie Monster's younger sister. Black and pink hair, and an outfit by Cuisanart. one of the notable quotes of the nite " huh...and she looked in the mirror before leaving the house and thought....'damn..I look good'"
We made it down front and were fourth row from the front....where we stayed for the next 5 hours. Through four different bands, one of which had a song named "shut the hell up" we all got to sing the chorus...and we meant it. The concensus of the crowd was...."please...shut the hell up!" we saw: The Few-very good...the lead singer had a voice very much like Amy Lee of Evanescence and their color coordinated black and neon green outfits were just beyond cute. Not to mention their "come on and lets put on a show" attitude was infectious. Crushing Juliet- yet another quote of the nite "dang...the bassist is pretty!!" and he was. There was NO shortage of guyliner or hair product in that band. They were pretty good too, but we couldnt hear the lead singer. It was either fate, or smart soundboarding. We'll never know.
Next up, Spyder Rockets..Yeah. The name was a harbinger of the terror that was to follow. Their best song: "shut the hell up" kinda says it all, doesnt it?
and the last band to perform before OUR band played was SORE EYES. They were actually pretty good...except the lead singer was kinda a whiny little guy who griped about how no one would come out to support Memphis music...(uh...we were there...in memphis...at a concert..what do ya call that?). He also welcomed his friends from all over and encouraged them to Mosh and crowd surf. uh...WHAT? These Yahoos rushed the stage and attempted to crowd surf over a group of 18-25 year olds(and me and T) None of us were having it. We didnt participate. There's nothing more disappointing than a denied crowd surfer. Nor is there anything more angry.
Next they started trying to get us all to MOSH. They started slamming against us nearly knocking a few of the more slight down, and to be honest...I got a little scared. A young couple that was standing next to us..and who had been hanging out with us outside the venue got roughed up a little...and into a little altercation. They ended up being thrown out along with the Yahoos who started the whole thing. Now that I have time to reflect on the whole thing...I remembered something. When The whole thing got started I got knocked around a little too, until I felt two big strong arms around me and a solid presence at my back. It was nice to have someone around who literally..."had my back". It was a new experience for me and one I kinda liked.
Finally....OUR band started. YAY! Framing Hanley was really good. They sounded just as good as they do on YOUTUBE. I wish they would have done T's favorite song. or mine. BUT they were still GREAT. Another little Yahoo tried to muscle his way past T to get closer to the front...it was kinda funny. Have you ever seen someone picked up by their hoodie and physically set down a foot back from their chosen destination? TRULY entertaining. The look on the kid's face was memorable.(ANOTHER note to self- NEVER get between T and his music. NEVER).
We bought a couple Cd's on the way out, visited with the kids from THE FEW.. got some makeup and hair tips from the guys in CRUSHING JULIET, walked right past all the SPYDERROCKETS, and glared at SORE EYES. All in all...the whole thing was quite an adventure.
You know, the thing I'm learning is, life isnt so much about the goal...as it is all the side trips along the way and the people you take with you. Take the wrong people..and its a whole different trip.