I was going to save this for Mother's Day...but I find that I can't wait that long, and the subject is in dire need of recognition now. So here I am. I have often told anyone who will listen that I truly am of the belief that every person that comes into your life has a reason for being there. They are there to teach you, to learn from you, to give you something or to take something that they need from you. The reasons for their visit in your life is sometimes not clear immediately...sometimes it takes years and years.
Many moons ago, after my father and mother had divorced, after dad and my first stepmom had divorced....back when dad was single.. He met Linda. They dated for several years, she helped my sister plan her wedding. She actually became good friends with Sandy(my mom) through the course of the wedding planning. Things didnt work out and dad and Linda broke up. A few more years went by and they realized what each of them had lost and they got back together. Here's how I found out..
Dad-" Linda and I are back together.... I'm gonna ask her to move in with me...how do you feel about that?"
Me-"what are you asking me for? Kris and I love her, she's a great person, you're over 20 years old....geez dad...just do it!!"
and so he did. During the course of of their living together, she helped him move out of the big house and into the home they now share. She helped MAKE the home they share a HOME. She saw me and my sister through a few hardships, she cried with us when mom got sick again. In 2008 dad and Linda got married....to celebrate they took the whole family on their belated honeymoon to Cancun Mexico.
As I said before...the reasons that these 'special' people come into our lives are not often immediately apparent....but I know why Linda is here. All year long, throughout mom's bouts with chemo and illness, she's been there for me and Kris. While working a full time job, she found the time to design and make quilts for us both for Christmas presents. She has always treated my kids as if they were her own grandchildren and my sister and I as if we were of her flesh. The pendants that we were given at Thanksgiving were partly designed by her and when mom died...I don't know who cried more...me or Linda.
I know why she's here.... I think the higher power(whatever you choose to call it) knew that Kris and I weren't finished needing a mom yet and dad needed someone to keep him in line....so that's why she's here. She's way more than a stepmom..and I won't be calling her that anymore. She's my 'Other' mother....and I'm very thankful to have her and we all love her very much.