So, here's the thing...
That phrase usually means I'm about to say something tremendously important to me, but I'm trying to act like it's NOT. It's a family thing. I do it. Dad does it. Sis does it. We try to express our innermost feelings by acting like it's not a big deal. Trust me, it is.
So, here's the thing. The thing is, I've been rather lax in my postings lately, but you have to give me a break. LOTS of stuff happening in my life. I've been given a few gifts.
I entered a column submission to a local paper, they accepted it, and now I get the opportunity to be a guest columnist. Pretty cool, huh? That's ONE of the things. The other is this... sit down. It's big. I'm actually IN a relationship. Not 'kinda' in one...or 'sorta' in one. He's mine, I'm his. It's a big deal. The future doesn't seem like such a scary place, anymore. The possibility of having a companion on my journey seems like a cool idea now.
It came about so naturally, very easy, and very unexpected. He was someone that I met a year and a half ago and I figured 'well, this isn't going anywhere'. So, I just mentally put him in the 'he's a friend' category. I thought that's where he put me too. We never really lost touch, we saw each other through some dark times, always seemed to be there for each other when we needed someone. When mom got sicker he listened as I cried on the phone, when his heart was battered I gave him advice. When mom died I had a lot of people who cared, but he was willing to drive the six hours from where he was working and actually BE THERE for me.(I didn't let him...and I should have, it would've been nice to have a strong hand to hold).
Our 'friendship' evolved without me even knowing it. He knew. He knew that what he'd been looking for, he already had and thought he'd lost.
A funny thing happens when you can finally see yourself as someone else sees you. When you open your heart just a little bit, amazing things happen. So, he came to see me and when I saw him, and saw the way he looked at me, there was this moment. It was like this: a voice in my head said "OH, THERE you are...I've been waiting for you." I FINALLY get it. Huh, who knew?
So, here's the thing- NOW the adventure really begins. Don't worry, I'll keep you posted.