Since some recent life changes, I now have a longer commute to work. During my commute I listen to a couple of different st. louis radio stations. My musical tastes are eclectic so I tend to bounce back and forth between classic rock, to alternative, to pop and usually settle on country in the morning because it seems to have less commercials and more actual music. The station I listen to 93.7 THE BULL airs a show called the BOBBY BONES show. The crew of the show have all been going through some health issues lately and one of the cast members has a mother that is undergoing cancer treatment. This woman has faced this horrible disease head on and has decided that no matter what comes... she chooses JOY. Period.
This philosophy has inspired the crew to create a hashtag on twitter, #pimpinjoy. Post your good deeds or ideas for good deeds using that hashtag. They even had #pimpinjoy week where a lot of country stars came into the studio and played new music and shared some good deeds and that sort of thing. It's all about inspiring joy in others and just choosing to look towards the light. No matter what. All in all, not a bad message. Pay It Forward, with attitude and a twitter handle.
They've been sharing stories about people paying for the person behind them in line at fast food places and at Starbucks. People adding money to parking meters and giving extra large tips to their servers at restaurants, rescuing animals, helping the elderly, all sorts of good things. The whole thing gives me hope that maybe, just maybe this world can be saved after all.
In that spirit I'll share with you what I did today. I was out running some errands and exploring my new environment. I found a little diner and decided to have lunch. The place was not all that busy and it was just me and one other table. The other table was a woman of about my age, maybe a little older and an elderly woman that I found out was her mother. It was quiet in there, just a television for background noise and it was relatively easy to pick up pieces of their conversation.
The mother was an Alzheimers patient who was living in a nursing home. She and the daughter were spending the day together and the way the daughter dealt with her mother was really something. No matter how many times her mother repeated questions or asked for clarification of answers the daughter was incredibly patient and sweet. while I sat there I thought of what I could possibly do and I remembered that it was still officially #pimpinjoy week... so I took action. I asked my server to bring me their ticket and I bought their lunch along with my own. I'm not a rich person.... this isn't something I do all the time. I just figured it was something I could do today to make someone else feel like the world is a little better place.
It made my smile a little brighter for the rest of the day too. SCORE.