Current mood: adventurous
I'm a big "moments" person. I believe that our whole lives are built on moments. It is our choice whether to accept the moments given us, or to reject them and move on with our plans....whatever they may be.
At any one time...a moment can break your heart, tame your spirit or bring you joy. Recognizing them can be a tricky business. You have to be on your guard always.
When your child asks you to please..please take them to a special place for dinner...just you and he(or she). This is a moment, people! Don't ignore it! Which do you think your child will remember more? The special evening you spent at Applebee's?Or watching mom fold clothes on the couch...again..for the 12th time this week?
When your partner tries to "make a move" and you're tired and you just don't think you can do it. Think about this....what are they doing? They are telling you.."I care about you...I desire you...I want you..right now, and I'm happy that I chose you to spend my life with." How much does it hurt when you playfully slap their hand away or tell them" I don't think so...i'm not in the mood". You'd be surprised how quickly you can "get in the mood" if you would just try, just a little.
The stranger on the street that you look right past. How much does it cost you to really look that person in the eye..and smile? So simple, yet we won't do it. Don't you know that they might remember the lady with the pretty green eyes that smiled, for years? If you walk right past them...you lose that moment to touch that person's life. Forever.
When you get a chance. Take it. You never know where a moment might lead.
"Sometimes...you just have to take the leap of faith..and build your wings on the way down."
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