Our lives and hearts are all puzzle pieces. The pieces are interwoven and made with all the people we've met and the ones who hang around and the ones who disappear into the mists of time. The feelings and relationships that those people leave with us and that we leave with them, it all makes up the big puzzle. Our relationships with family members, strangers, friends, it all plays a part in who we are, where we are going, why we do the things we do.
On rare occasions you are able to run into people that you instantly feel a connection with. It seems like you've known them forever. You share the same outlook on life, laugh at all the same things, enjoy the same movies, music, foods. These people are your soulmates. It's exciting to meet these people, because you know, in your heart that they don't often come along. You know something special and important is happening, but you don't know what. It's fun, because you don't know where it's all going and it's a new journey.
I have a few...they know their place in my heart, and I know mine in theirs. You might start out thinking that the nature of your relationship is one thing....but it grows in a new direction. That's the moment it becomes clear. When that happens, you just know. It's a little disheartening, because you think surely you should be in love with this person, right? They're perfect for you, that's supposed to be how it works, right? There should be fireworks and magic,RIGHT? Ah, no. Not so much. Not always.
There is such a thing as TOO perfect. Thus the soulmate. A person that feels like an extension of yourself...where you are weak, they are strong, but the core is the same. You have the same heart.
You don't get the fireworks and magic, but you do get someone you can call at all hours of the day or night when your heart is breaking, and they'll listen to you weep. They'll let you get all neurotic with them, because they do it too. You get someone that will help you through the toughest times of your life, because even though they don't know what you feel...they really DO know how you feel. You get someone that you can call up at 10pm at night when your car breaks down and you're on a date with someone else and they'll see that you get home safe. Just because.(yes...all of that really did happen). You get someone that understands your need to just be a total goofball, because, they are too.
And now there is another...and that's ok, because life is long and I plan on sharing it with these special people and seeing where our individual journeys take us. It's gonna be a fun ride, really. Because when you surround yourself with people who love and understand you, when you are as fortunate as I am to have these people, how can it not be?
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