I promised you adventure...so here goes. The BF(boyfriend) lives a couple hours away from me and usually he travels to see me, but in the interest of fairness...and to accommodate his work schedule, I have taken it upon myself to expand my road trip proficiency. I purchased a Tom Tom GPS system so that I could travel without fear of getting lost. I FREAKING LOVE Ross(the voice inside my Tom Tom is a Scottish guy named Ross....)I love my BF more, but Ross is a close second because he gets me TO the BF.
BF has a work schedule in which it's really rare that he has a whole weekend off, so we make do. He's come to see me(making the 2 hour trip from home...or the 4 hour trip from where he's currently working) whenever he can. I'm a 9 to 5er so I am at work through the week and off on weekends. I really do love the freedom and independence of making a plan, packing an overnight bag and heading out. I really love that few hours on the road with my Blackberry music collection, my thoughts and the occasional bluetoothed phone call for company. Maybe I was always a gypsy at heart, but it really refreshes me and renews my soul. Someday, I'm gonna do this via my own motorcycle!! yeahhhh, baby.
So far this long distance relationship isn't an IDEAL situation, but for a beginner in the REAL relationship game, it's pretty cool. There's none of that annoying.."but he/she is in my space all the time, I wish I had some time to myself" stuff. We have ample time to ourselves, to BE ourselves and to pursue our own interests, all the while knowing there is someone out there that we can call our very own.
Communication is key. We call, we text, we send each other funny YouTube videos. I can honestly say that I've had more honest communication in this long distance relationship...than in the more conventional 'up-close and personal' relationships in my past.
Trust is very important. We really have an understanding that we have chosen each other. Nobody else even comes close, so why even bother to look. I know that for me, I feel like I've found a home after a long time searching. He had told me the same thing was true of him as well.
All relationships have misunderstandings.... in the past I would do pretty much anything to avoid a conflict. BF won't let me get away with it. He makes sure I know when he's upset about something and he wants the same in return. The idea being, "fix things as they happen, don't let things build up". So far, so good.
So here I am...at a Panera Bread company in Northern Illinois enjoying a Caramel Latte and a scone. *happy sigh* ahhh..this is the life.
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