I love you more
Current mood: calm
There is a game that I play with my children. This game began when they were babies. Days old. It began at four a.m. Some twenty years ago with my daughter. How did you guess? Yes..it was feeding time. She was a party animal. She would wake up at three a.m. for a feeding and in her world, it was morning.
She would laugh, she would coo. I would be grumpy and tired, but eventually, all the giggling and cooing would win me over and I would just look at her. I couldn't help but grin and coo and laugh back at her. There in the light of the nightlight in that darkened room. In her infantile way she was saying, "You are the most important person in my world right now...and I love you because you have the food."
I would look down at her little face and say "I love you more". Usually, she would fall back to sleep in an hour, and I would stumble back to bed for two more hours of precious sleep. My arms still warm from where her little body had been snuggled moments before.
Then when she began to talk.....I would tell her I loved her. "lub you more" she would say. We would argue over who loved who more.
When my son was born, well..he was a difficult newborn. He was a screamer, at night anyway. During the day, he was mr. sunshine and grins. I definitely loved him more. That was just to make sure he survived. At least for the first few weeks. After that, he was pretty easy to love, too. He learned to scream at a lower decibel level. The game continues We also argue over who loves whom more.
I win. Mom always wins.
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