Thursday, July 23, 2009

If There be Dragons

If There Be Dragons

She had been through a lot, she had many dragons in her past. As any maiden of her particular age would have. When she met him, she thought he would be another in a long line of villains to thwart her dreams and crush her heart.

He insisted that he was no villain, that he was a knight. That he would help her with the dragons that inhabited her past and slay the dragons that lay across the path to her future. He proved his worth time and time again. slowly he worked and toiled and eventually, she found him in her heart. He told her, "you need someone to care for you, be a partner to you. You are no longer alone." She believed him.

Even if he did prove to be yet another villain, she had given him a piece of herself she would never get back. It was too late. She could not save herself.

It was then that she found that even the knight had dragons of his own. But these were dragons that even she could not slay. These fierce beasts played havoc with his mind and took him to dark evil places places within himself that even he could not come back from. He grew from a sweet, friendly, caring knight into a surly, withdrawn, selfish man. His only wish was to stay in his castle and never see the light of day.

She tried, many times, always hoping that the warmth and light of her love would somehow save the knight from his many dark demons. Too late, she learned that the only person whom she could truly count on to care for her, looked at her from her own mirror.
The knight would only be saved when he sought help or learned to save himself.

Sometimes, the dragons we fight so hard against are the ones we carry with us.

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