Thursday, September 22, 2011

The Fondest Wish

Last Wednesday I stayed home from work because I was sick. Nothing major...just a flu bug or something. Obviously, I survived. : ) So I went back to work Thursday morning, Not exactly bright eyed and bushy tailed...but hey I was there. I went into the kitchen on break to grab a cup of coffee and there on the little breakroom table sat 3 cellophane wrapped fortune cookies. Lunch on the day of my absence must have been chinese. I have never been able to resist a defenseless fortune cookie. I have even stooped so low as to wheedle fortune cookies away from their rightful owners....all to get a glimpse of my own selfish future. tsk tsk.
      Anywhooooo, when I broke open the treat the fortune read " Your fondest wish will come true" and of course the obligatory lucky numbers. WOW. Fondest Wish. Hmmmmmm. Well, since this brain works a little differently than that of most humans, I didn't immediately wish for lottery fortunes or anything obvious like that. I started thinking about all the things I'd wished for in the past...the ones that came true as well as the ones that didn't.

      When I was 6 ,I wished with all my heart for a puppy....instead I got my sister.. I'm kinda glad that one worked out the way it did. When I was 10 I wished to be able to play "ARMY" with the boys at recess and NOT be relegated to the role of 'Nurse'.. I wanted to have a gun too...dang it! Well, three years later I got my wish. Dad signed me up to be on his company's rifle team. Got a bunch of trophies too. *grin*

      At 15, I suffered a massive crush on one of the most popular boys in school..I wished to be thought of as more than just the shy girl who sat behind him in math class and seemed to say something funny every once in awhile. Ok, I'll admit it...I wished he would kiss me. That one didn't come true. Well, not for many, many years anyway. It was worth the 15 year old inner self was quite thrilled about the whole thing.

      There always seemed to be something to wish for, something just beyond my reach. As if wishing for something really made it happen. I know its really more a consequence of working towards a goal and circumstances working in my favor. Still I wished. The wishes became less superficial and selfish as I got older and my life's priorities shifted....and I wished for things for the people I cared about. That my children would be healthy and happy and grow up to be the kind of people I would want them to be. That my parents would find happiness and be healthy. That my sister and brother in law would have the life they wanted. That Mom would not be in pain anymore, that we'd have more time. Most of these wishes came true....

      And now, this wish. I'm in the unique position of having nothing to wish for. I'm happy, independent, in a healthy relationship. I don't have a lot of money...and that's ok, I don't need a lot. What I do have is way more than what a lot of people have and I'm grateful for it. When I told my boyfriend about the fortune he said " That's pretty cool....what is your fondest wish??" I smiled to myself and said...." Just for us to be happy.."

      "sounds like a good wish to me...." he said. Yeah....I think so too.

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