Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Just leave a note.

I joined this event on Facebook the other day. It intrigued me. It was called "Piercing the darkness-leave a note". The project was simple, and anyone could do it. All you had to do was write a simple note and leave it somewhere for someone else to find. The idea was to write something encouraging or positive and hopefully make someone else's day a bit brighter or just send out a little good karma to the universe.

I wrote my note, and I planned to leave it on the shelf at Walmart when I got a few groceries tonight. Things didn't quite work out as planned.

I wrote my little note on a yellow post-it note and stuck it to my list of things I needed to pick up at the store. I drove to the store after work and was getting out of the car when the wind picked up and whipped the post it note right off the list in my hand. I watched the note flutter for a few minutes and then I figured that the universe had someone special in mind for my note. I hope so. My note says simply this-

You, YES I mean YOU are more amazing than you realize..

You really are, you know.

1 comment:

davmor said...

Hi Kelli i love your blog it's awesome hugs