Sunday, August 16, 2009

New Adventures 10/08

Current mood: adventurous

"There is something thrilling in the thought that you are drifting forward into a delicious mystery."
For so life just drifted along and I along with it. I paid no attention to the direction I just 'went with the flow'. No more. Anyone who knows me even a little bit knows my situation. Back in June I made some major changes in my life. No longer "drifting". I got tougher, I got stronger and I'm still moving and changing every day.

The quote above is from someone unknown, yet it says a lot. Change is scary, its positively frightening, yet if we don't change, we don't grow. We stagnate and remain static. Trapped in lives that we aren't happy with, but we feel powerless to change. BULL SH*T!! The power to change is there, within you. You may not recognize it, but its there.

Every day opportunities present themselves. Are you lonely? Flirt with the cute guy at Starbuck's. If he ignores what? What have you lost? Five minutes of your life?? At least you TRIED. Unhappy with your job? Look into further education, do some research, you might find a completely opposite field that uses your skillset. Unhappy with your body? Get off the couch and go for a walk. DAILY. In about 2 will have dropped 5 pounds. Its a start.

The point I'm trying to make here is this. Life is too short to spend it bitching about how awful your life is. CHANGE IT!! Do something unexpected, have an adventure, the anticipation of something new gets your blood going, your heart pumping, your neurons firing. It brings a glow to your skin and electricity to your thoughts.

I've started my adventure. I register for school soon, start classes soon after that. I'll be meeting new people and doing things (like studying endlessly) that I haven't done in a long time. I'm working towards a new life. One of MY making. Not one I "settled for". I have a picture in my head of this life. It might come might not. At least I'm doing something to make the picture come alive.

Drift forward(no..PADDLE yourself) into that delicious mystery, you never know what you might find, but I guarantee it will be different than what is making you unhappy. That in itself is worth the journey.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Heading down the road with you! Hope to see ya at the end of the road...