Sunday, August 16, 2009

Unconditional Love 2/09

Current mood: blessed

I called my daughter this afternoon and since the "VALENDOOM'S day massacre" she's been kinda down in the dumps. I told her I was going to take her to dinner. She said she had a surprise for me.
She shows up with........a lower lip piercing. oooh boy.(for the's tiny...and actually looks ok, when it heals she's going to get a little jewel).

AND a gift box for me.

She gave me a silver claddagh necklace. Because of all the love and support I've given her(and groceries..and gas money..and kitty litter).*grins*
But isnt that what we're supposed to do? as parents? Just give them all the love and support we can, UNCONDITIONALLY..even if they put holes in their beautiful faces? I just love her so much...and want so much for her. I just want her to see how freaking amazing she is.

Anyway...isnt it cool when you REALLY think your kid is cool and they like you too? No one ever tells you about that part when the baby cries at 4am and won't stop crying. They don't tell you that part when they fall off the monkey bars at school and break their arm the first week of kindergarten(that was curt...not cait). They just don't tell you how genuinely fun they can be when you can sit and watch TRUE BLOOD with them every sunday night on HBO and then have an actual conversation about something serious.

They should put that in the "how to raise kids" manual.
I apologize for the rambling...I do that sometimes. Go back to your normal life now..."move it along folks...nothing more to see here.....move it along...."

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